CES Australia are the representative for Neptune Automated Wheel Wash Systems for Australia and New Zealand. I want to thank you for your interest in our line of Automated Wheel Wash Systems and make myself available to address your questions. To begin, it is important that we determine the best most effective solution based on your site criteria. There are three areas that we look at when evaluating the correct solution.

  1. The two primary factors in determining which system is the most appropriate on any job: the type of soil that is present on site and the amount of soiling on the tires. It requires a distance of 11’6” for an 11-R-24 tire to travel to achieve one full tire revolution of cleaning. Therefore, when we talk about wheel wash systems, we refer to them as 1 tire revolution, 2 tire revolution, or 3 tire revolution systems, meaning the wash platform is 12 feet, 24 feet or 36 feet. The cohesiveness of the soil helps determine the most appropriate system. Can you tell me the level of cohesiveness of the mud that you are tracking?

  2. A second important consideration is the number of trucks per hour that will use the system. IES systems include a closed loop water recycling and solid separation system that continually recycles the wash water. The number of trucks per hour helps to determine the amount of water capacity your job will require. We need an adequate amount of detention time to insure the water is optically clean. Once we have sized the wash platform and therefore, the number of pumps, I will be able to make recommendation on the appropriate tank size.

  3. Our Maximus Series is offered in three installation configurations, ranging from system that require no excavation to in ground systems that can be removed at the end of a project. Please keep in mind, the installation configuration will affect the method with which you remove the solids from the tank. You can use a smooth lipped bucket of a backhoe or a vacuum truck to remove the solids from the Gravity Feed System; however, due to the height of the tank, you cannot use a backhoe if you utilize the tank above ground. In all instances, the tank can be configured with an automated scraper conveyor to continually remove the solids. I have attached a description of the three installation configurations for your review.
